In 2012 Palau presented his solo debut ‘L’Aigua del Rierol’, but it was with his second album ‘Santa Ferida’ (Halley Records, 2016) that he gained critical attention. His most intimate reflections and thoughts between folk and pop (always co-produced with his cousin Jordi Matas) led him to win the 2017 Enderrock Critics Award. In 2018 he released ‘Blanc’ (Halley Records 2018). ), an album that consolidated his career with the public and that has led the musician Collbatoníno to win awards such as the Altaveu Award 2018, the Núvol Award 2018, the Timeout Barcelona Award 2018 and the best album of the year at Mondosonoro Catalunya. Ferran, also known as Sufjan Stevens or Cass McCombs Català, presented us with his albums ‘Kevin’ (2019, Hidden Track Records) and ‘Parc’ (2020, Hidden Track Records) in the midst of a pandemic and is now back to settle a stage in which he shows us his most intimate and acoustic interior, a return to the origins: JOIA.
All concerts outside Catalonia have the support of the Institut Ramon Llull
Plora Aquí – Ferran Palau
12,00€ – 28,00€
Santa Ferida LP
10,00€ – 15,00€
Entrevista de portada en Mondo Sonoro (2021). En los círculos más indies y exquisitos de Catalunya, Ferran Palau no necesita presentación…
Un treball sorgit d’un entorn creatiu i d’un sentiment de pertinença a una comunitat musical que ja és més que una discogràfica, és una família.
Ferran Palau ens introdueix en una atmosfera sectària però ho fa a través d’un disc suau, manierista i delicat i amb un ritme que ja és segell personal: que respira i deixa respirar.
Ferran Palau canta al inevitable paso del tiempo, a la diversidad y a las piedras del camino.
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