Luca and Andreu continue on the path they started in 2012 after the dissolution of Mates Mates. A small demo in 2013, followed by their debut album Ball del Cel in 2014, placed them in testing ground, a laboratory where they played with a number of different sounds and without limits. All those tests were necessary to give birth, four years later to Sempre (Famèlic, 2018), a short album where all the ideas from previous albums suddenly came together, creating a new path with intimate hits that keep us wanting more.
Sempre de Germà Aire
7,00€ – 15,00€
Núria Graham entrevista a cegues Germà Aire. No han calgut ni guions ni preparatius perquè la Núria és gran coneixedora del grup osonenc, que tocarà aquest cap de setmana al Festival Embassa't...
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La puresa dibuixada de Germà Aire. El geni creatiu, la intuïció i les poques manies són les claus del videoclip que estrenem avui en exclusiva...
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