After a short introduction to what his sound was (with a self-titled 4-song EP), HEBA was presented under a cloud of mystery. HEBA is Jordi Torrents, known drummer of La iaia, Maria Rodés and Roger Usart, among others. Jordi now embarks on a new electronic adventure in which he allows himself to experiment with sound and musical creation at the same time. HEBA’s music is usually born from an initial concept, through which all music is built. In the case of T13, we find a track that is composed of three songs, two of them ethereal, without dominant beats and another with a totally dominant rhythm.
HEBA presenta “HEBA 3”, su nuevo doble sencillo. HEBA lanza “HEBA 3”, un nuevo EP que contiene dos nuevas piezas en la que se combina lo electrónico y lo acústico “T65” y “T82”...
El setmanari musical #19. Fans de l’electrònica, però sense ser entusiasmats de la ‘tralla’? Amants dels sons electrònics, però chill? Heu d’escoltar HEBA i el seu nou treball HEBA 3, una electrònica preciosa, cuidada, orgànica i perfecta...
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