08880 OKDW


Imagine a party where the main guests are memes and stickers, where there’s a strong sense of authenticity, and an overwhelming display of charm, attitude, and playfulness is more than evident. Right in the middle of this festival and with the volume turned up, you start hearing OKDW, the new project by Virts, a fusion of styles ranging from RnB, Soul, and Jazz, to contemporary Pop. 08880 is the debut album of OKDW, a record that confirms everything we were suspecting: we’re here to have a good time, to dance, to jest, and to enjoy ourselves. But in this album, there’s also room for reflection on issues related to the LGBTQ+ community and mental health, while also serving as a mini survival guide for enduring the fast-paced society we live in. In short, it’s a tribute to Generation Z. OKDW has mixed their musical tastes and references to achieve a unique sound, seldom heard in Catalan. It echoes the elegance of Frank Ocean and the flow of The Internet, the best love lines from Bruno Mars and the groove of Alicia Keys. All of this, combined with the eloquence of Virts’ lyrics, which, overflowing with sincerity and outstanding vocal prowess, guide us through landscapes of plush synthesizers and exquisite beats. Virts didn’t work alone on 08880 but was accompanied by the producer Peter Party, a Latin Grammy winner in the category of the best album. Additionally, it features collaborations from Andrea Motis, La Neula, and Anwar Malviaje. Is there anything more to add? Hit play and enjoy!

01. Big Bang
02. Només Amigues
03. Miau
04. Angry Virts ft. La Neula
05. Blisters
06. 08880
07. La Mel
08. Cabos Sueltos ft. Anwar Malviaje
09. Saliva ft. Andrea Motis
10. Estic bé
Composition: Virts and Pedro Campos
Production: Peter Party
Recording: Carlos Manzanares at El Tercero Studios
Mixing: Arnau Figures (1, 3, 5), Genís Trani (2, 4, 6, 8), and
Big Daddy Pein (7, 9, 10)
Mastering: Alexis Psaroudakis at The Work Shop
Art Direction: Anna Murciano & Paula de Álvaro
Artwork and Design: Paula de Álvaro
Photography: Clara Antón

Label: Hidden Track Records
Ref: HT106
Format: LP and Digital
UPC: 197188095581